A hieratic Count sits in his elegant mansion finishing his writings - Alphonse, a young Waloon officer, rides through the Murgia to reach his regiment in Naples but soon finds himself mysteriously detained at a inn in the strange and varied company of thieves, brigands, cabalists, noblemen, coquettes and gypsies, whose stories he records over ten days. A range of situations in ...
Zaggy 🇵🇸 2018-10-16
Seattle Latino Film Festival. 2小时“超赶版”萨拉格萨手稿,进度很快,没留什么contemplation的余地,套娃故事往外褪的时候有时就是倏忽一下,给一个镜头。。。字幕都念不过来。**场景更多,有创造性的设计包括骷髅人物——主要还是现在的特效能做更好了;以及拍了Jan Potocki的写作本身,也就是最外面又套了一层。因为节奏太赶,魔性降低不少,虽然在2小时内完成这些体量也是非常不容***得出来道具*饰场景表演都是下功夫的。。。 主演们都不是小咖了,导演也是入围过洛迦诺主竞赛的,结果豆瓣上没条目,首映只有两个人看😂