Amalimbo is the story of TIPUANA, a five year-old girl who experiences "the limbo" when she tries to pass to 'the other side' in her desperate urge to mourn the recent death of her beloved father. It is a short story that happens in an undefined place in an also undefined near future. The main characters are TIPUANA (5) as well as OLDER TIPUANA (27) Tipuana's grown-up version a...
**游戏机 2016-09-10
很喜欢的动画短片,画风粗糙风格化,显示器坏了一般的**调调XD 讲一个5岁小女孩的父亲坠冰湖身亡,女孩在火车上遇到长大后的自己,给她讲了一个庄周梦蝶的故事,最后小女孩穿过limbo怀念父亲,尾部用了一段默片风格。我总觉得做得跟真人电影没差别的,还叫毛动画片呀,造型想象力才是根本
titanic 2017-12-17
画风很迷,真的有些看不懂。le paradis与l'enfer之间还有一个limbes。
RayLee 2017-12-10