悟空奉献为您提供Stratford Festival: Antony and Cleopatra,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Fathom Events and BY Experience bring the Stratford Festival's performance of Antony and Cleopatra to cinemas for a memorable one-night *****. The steamy story of a midlife affair that shook the foundations of the ancient world comes to vivid life in the Stratford Festival production of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, starring Geraint Wyn Davies and Yanna McIntosh as the po...
偎灶猫 2017-01-10
wavyfly 2020-07-09
7.5/10 《Antony and Cleopatra》2015 Stratford Festival 開始大概找到莎劇的“虐”趣——中古臺詞不許變,但表現模式萬變,讓你在似曾相識上卻又找到新亮點。 Stratford Festival這版比National Theatre 更合我心。 Cleopatra 不再是利用美色**Antony 來捍衛**,她的確是愛上了他,眼睛裡有愛的光。 Antony 也不再是頹廢的花癡,而是有不輸凱撒的**氣勢。 這次臺詞大概跟得上了,不過還是時不時要看字幕,估計還需要再看幾版才能完全擺脱字幕,莎士比亞的用詞實在不好懂。
无名无姓 2017-07-05