IMDb上的完整视*****://***.imdb****/video/wab/vi1141807385/ This experimental interactive short film is the most authentic adaptation of Kafka's famous story, The Metamorphosis, where Gregor Samsa one morning finds himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. The film tells the entire story using a subjective camera, experiencing what happens from Gregor's perspective, as K...
埃洛希姆的灵 2015-06-10
[ e *** o ] 2011-02-24
用甲虫的视角表达,独特360°角 【在线****://***.imdb****/video/wab/vi1141807385/ 】
鬼人掌 2013-09-06
视角取胜 ****://***.imdb****/video/withoutabox/vi1470471449?ref_=tt_pv_vi_1