悟空奉献为您提供边缘 第三季,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Two years after El Sapo's death and one year before Pastor Peña's arrival to San Onofre, the Borges are now the highest criminals while they negotiate with Colombian drug dealers. Meanwhile, a new young inmate called Cristian is in San Onofre by commiting a car accident and he is under the protection of the Borges.
Emet_k 2019-10-13
水包酱 2020-02-06
这一季有种过渡季的感觉 中间几集有点拖沓 有些角色的故事线太水 但最后还是精彩的 还把第一季的前因完美接上了 1.哥伦比亚人和Pantera都是辣妹子辣辣妹子辣 2.看Toto演床戏看得让我想报警把导演抓起来 3."等我出去了我会过上好日子”果然是最大的flag, 漂亮姐姐死得太冤呜呜呜 4.一想到金毛第四季又要被渣男虐我心(hao)好(xing)痛(fen)啊