When Alex Loding passes Brat Farrar in the street, he's struck by Brat's uncanny resemblance to Simon Ashby. Simon had a older twin brother, Patrick, who disappeared a decade ago, and was presumed drowned. Simon now owns the family farm, Latchetts, a top-notch stable. Alex asks Brat, who loves horses, if he'd care to impersonate Patrick to disinherit Simon. But as Brat grows **...
晚安好运©️ 2012-12-13
A&E和***合拍,除了背景推后了40年外基本忠于铁伊的原著。Mark Greenstreet一人分饰博来和西蒙两个角色,但后期合成有点假,Greenstreet这个奇特的姓氏让我想起了Sydney Greenstreet,查了下发现他们真的是亲戚!Sydney是Mark的舅公!
#瞬间收藏家# 2012-12-21