悟空奉献为您提供Brian Cox: Space, Time & Videotape,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Professor Brian Cox is joined by two of his heroes, the actor Brian Blessed and Professor Alice Roberts. On the agenda are his TV idols from both science fiction and science fact, as well as a whole universe of other stuff.
戴头巾的Robin 2014-11-16
我一直认为science communicator的职责相当重要,甚至认为他们是促进社会良性讨论的至关重要的一环。这片子给人的启示相当多:science communicator的价值何在?何种信息传达方式最为有效?大众媒体在其中的责任为何?各学科间应如何**?……但种种一切需要一个前提:请给科学工作者一个舞台一个机会