《布朗特:第四个人》又名Screen Two: Blunt、Blunt。
Robin Chapman based his teleplay for the 1986 *** production Blunt: The Fourth Man on a true story. Ian Richardson plays Sir Anthony Blunt, an above-reproach aristocrat and renowned art expert. In 1951, Blunt sells out his country by helping turncoat British spy Donald MacLean (Michael McStay) escape to Moscow. Blunt's stake in all this intrigue is personal: he is the former ga...
丁小美∣种草机 2013-08-10
Gees played the martyr?! no kidding?!!...burgess也不是blunt拉下水的…算了不计较史实了~ 这版的anthony blunt外形上跟真人像,但做派感觉略硬派了好像blunt外形与philby性格的合体~ 其实burgess跟maclean叛逃,主要都是philby在搞嘛……burgess演得还真2333
janis 2013-04-27
小巴不良 2023-03-02
stingX 2020-08-02
埃斯特惕卡 2022-05-27
ian richardson太雍容华贵了……看的时候不断停下来截屏。以及有点想补剑桥五杰的历史了