悟空奉献为您提供Coffee & Allah,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Coffee & Allah is a film about Abeba Mohammed’s appetite for coffee, ***** and a good **** of badminton. As a recent refugee in New Zealand with no English and a veil to cloak her difference, she has little chance of connecting with others around her. Until one day when a spontaneous **** of badminton leads Abeba to accept a gift of friendship.
黄药师 2018-03-13
2018-3-13 Parnell 还是刚到N的时候朋友叫我去影院看一部新西兰老电影翻拍porkpie,我拒绝的很干脆,但最后还是去看了。之后陆陆续续被房东大叔拉着看了几部毛利电影,逐渐发现了新西兰电影的独特视角。而今天看的这部短片告诉我,NZ电影产业不仅有自己的故事,也会用可爱的视角讲述许多其他人的故事。