悟空奉献为您提供达耳齐尔与帕斯科 第一季,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Dalziel and Pascoe is a popular British television crime drama based on the Dalziel and Pascoe books by Reginald Hill, which was first broadcast in March 1996. It is set in Yorkshire, and is about two detectives. After Recalled to Life (4.2), only one of the subsequent episodes, the two-part Dialogues of the Dead, (7.5) is based directly on an original Hill book (while several ...
piscesvip 2013-03-27
Elizabeth Ann O'Brien – A Killing Kindness (1997) … Pauline Stanhope
lalalaEmma 2016-11-06
看了有我们Harriet的403,案子一般,但人物都还挺可爱的。Harriet的苏格兰口音软得让人想娶回家!警长莫名喜感,bottel那里笑死我了,Warren Clarke很适合这个角色啊,有喜剧天分的。看着看着感觉要是Harriet真嫁了个WC这样的丈夫其实还挺有爱的,说到底还是我看不顺眼GP……
予秋 2014-11-14
节奏不是很快,淡淡味道,心情闲下来时看看。生活的琐事,也很自然的穿插其中。而第34集dead meat让人痛心,多少国人的处境从未真正实质上的改变过,大批的****成了英富人们的****库,惨绝人寰,这时候哪里还有上帝。