Diana: The Royal Truth
- 上映年代:2017
- 类型:纪录片
- 地区:英国
- 主演: Paul Burrell 戴安娜王妃
- 更新时间:
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A captivating first hand account of the life of one of the most iconic figures of the 20th century, Diana Princess of Wales, by the man who lived through it all. From innocent dreamer to divorced change-bringer the turbulent life of Diana was rocked the world. With exclusive insight and anecdotes prepare to uncover the heartbreaking true story of the most photographed woman in ...
明空 2021-07-24
"All she was ever looking for was to be loved. She used to say to me, 'All I want, Paul, is to someone, a man to put arms around me and say, 'I love you.' That's not too much to ask, is it?"
史凯力 2020-12-17
C'est la vie 2021-03-28
海南鸡饭 2021-04-22
茶小乖 2021-02-19
Princess Diana is really charming both external and internal. From this narrative, she is sweet, kind, compassionate, deeply hurt by the royal family and maybe even the Spencer’s. She wanted to make a difference using her energy until the accident took her away. Royal family, 高处不胜寒。
じ☆Seraphim 2021-08-23
"All she was ever looking for was to be loved."