悟空奉献为您提供多诺的快速三餐 第一季,在线点播,迅雷下载。
《多诺的快速三餐 第一季》又名新晋厨神下厨易(港)、新晋厨神的快速三餐、Donal下厨易、分钟餐。
Irish food writer, television presenter, food photographer and YouTuber Donal Skehan returns for a delicious new series of Donal's Meals in Minutes. Since filming series one, Donal has become a Dad for the first time, which he says has given him an even deeper appreciation for creating Meals in Minutes! Armed with this new insight, Donal will be bringing even **** tips and tric...
_ 2020-02-02
好像看完了?還是已經播完了?又是明珠台的節目 smellevision哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈你也是很厲害 幾時你能發明這個出來 肯定發家致富到愛爾蘭首富級別!!
海滩救生员 2022-01-29
Mon 2024-12-31
看完第一季我客观讲,Donal Skehan的菜式设计其实并不简单,之所以看上去出品很快,其实是因为他把前置处理都做好了,只需要最后几步的烹饪,从风格上来说,他的菜单适合那些喜欢吃融合菜和东南亚菜的人,我很少会吃,所以看下来我就只会学做第三集的Miso Salmon with Smacked Cucumber Salad,还有就是,这一季中有些菜明显没做到位,第四集的Turmeric & Ginger Spatchcooked Chicken没烤到位,第五集的Flattened Spiced Chicken Thighs with Creamed Corn煎得太焦,总的来说,我觉得Donal Skehan的水准有点言过其实