유혹의 강在线观看

유혹의 강

  • 上映年代:1991  
  • 别名:The River Of Temptation
  • 类型:情色
  • 地区:韩国
  • 主演: 임주연 정승호 김동현
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《유혹의 강》又名The River Of Temptation。

Hae-in is kidnapped by Dong-yub who had a crush on her when she lived in their hometown. Her blissful life in Seoul with Korean-American Johan is ruined. Dong-yub locks her in a villa and begs her acknowledge that they once had a relationship back hometown but Hae-in pines away after Johan and tries to escape repeatedly. Johan, at first, tries to find Hae-in but soon gives up a...
