Can the romance between a sophisticated medical student and a run-of-the-mill high schooler work out? Alice Braga and Gabriel Leone bring to life a couple that must overcome their significant differences to live a ***** love in 1980's Brasilia. Mixing drama, playfulness and poetry, the film is inspired by the homonymous and successful song by Renato Russo, the ***** poet that c...
说真话的蛋 2024-03-10
电影改编自**家喻户晓的同名歌曲,连剧情很多也是忠实原歌词而创作。水与油一样截然不同的男女,在**和新鲜感退却后依旧可以深爱对方,这是大多数现实中不曾发生,而电影却愿意或者试图让我们去相信的奇迹。#ブラジル映画祭 in 東京 2024@ユーロスペース
L 'Avventura 2023-01-07