Devil's Tree: Rooted Evil is about an aspiring journalist named Sam who finds a Tree with a very dark history. As her own past has has demons that continue to haunt her, she eventually finds out what haunts this ominous Tree. Loosely based on real events, the actual Tree still stands today. This film takes you on a ride out of the realm of fantasy and into the realm of true Evi...
拙Dream 2023-02-22
Gore赞 2019-10-21
RyanMakkk_ 2022-05-21
真的从来没有一部电影让我如此生气过 给一颗星我都嫌多 从来没有看过这么烂的**片 女主喜欢作死 作就作吧 还那么没脑子 树的前因后果不讲清楚 小男孩为什么附身在树上也不明不白 为啥能附身到别人身上***不知道 总的来说就是烂中之烂 结尾戛然而止 貌似有第二部? 反正我是不会看了 还不如看一部国产笔仙 至少结尾能让我笑出声
仰之 2024-04-14