I vaguely remember watching this series as a kid, but for me it is a perfect example of very cleaver Eastern European ** and a very good "children" TV show. This is DVD-rip retrieved from a Czech forum, I was unable to fins English subs, but nevertheless I believe we will enjoy the cinematic experience. Very many thanks to the original uploader. In the 25th century—**** precise...
英国演员说美音真是无压力,人人信手拈来。演技就“很浮夸”,只会抛媚眼加抖狠。我觉得这部电影的大部分我享受真正应该归功于丹·史蒂文斯的主要角色。 他的性格是迷人的,愉快的和有用的,然而奇怪的是**的和令人不安的从一开始就和他绝对完美。