This animated short features two soundtracks - in one, Frank narrates an autobiography,in the other, he reads off a list of words beginning with the letter "f." Tying the two soundtracks together and influencing their subject matter is the animated collage of photos collected from magazines - all arranged by theme and each theme merging into the next.
小羊仔 2010-11-08
Vini_Kazma 2011-12-21
Plot Keywords: Collage | Voice Over Narration | Autobiographical | Art | Cut Out Animation,“方接方”、“圆接圆”,基本上每个素材都只占到了一帧——“一帧是可以看见的”!采用了双音轨,一主一副,副轨起到强调作用。
démodé 2010-03-28
Maybe Im not that artistic to understand this..
stknight 2011-05-12
两条音轨,肿么豆瓣评分这么低!!!This animated short features two soundtracks - in one, Frank narrates an autobiography,in the other, he reads off a list of words beginning with the letter "f." Tying the two soundtracks together and influencing their subject matter is the animat
可爱水果饼447 2012-03-01
candy 2010-11-25
看不懂 跳动的画面跟两个声道的喃喃自语 告诉我到底要看哪里听什么。。。
Seamoon 2011-05-07
思鄉の風 2011-06-12
贝小康 2022-11-10
Helenhelen 2011-05-08