The Sea Hawk is a 1924 American silent film about an English noble sold into slavery who escapes and turns himself into a pirate king. Directed by Frank Lloyd, the screen adaptation was written by J. G. Hawks based upon the Rafael Sabatini novel of the same name. At the instigation of his half brother Lionel (Lloyd Hughes), Oliver Tressilian (Milton Sills), a wealthy baronet, i...
FedoraNColt 2024-06-03
Watched on 4K DCP on a big screen with live piano accompaniment. Very beautiful restoration. Shot on Catalina Island. Milton Sills was Flynn before Flynn in the silent era. Such an enjoyable adventure that helped define the genre.
钢筋工钢筋 2021-11-11
24年票房冠军,看来冒险片一直很吃香。。更高尚幸运些的**山**+手足相残,奇怪的闪回镜头……Milton Sills和Lloyd Hughes好帅好帅!特别是Sills,这股**劲比老道格更像埃罗尔弗林(辈分是不是错了)(豆瓣演职员表里的弗林走错片场了)!感情都变质成那样了最后真的有什么破镜重圆的必要吗(。)40年弗林那版同名电影里竟然也有这部电影的场景 华纳真省钱
Orisonku 2020-07-21
译/ 本来以为是手足情深好心办坏事的闹剧,没想到又是趁虚而入横刀*****狗血。*****的宗教冲突,等级制度下的人皆被物化,更不必说作为女性的角色了。
巽凌 2020-04-24
#(Over And Over Again)Another 'It's Not Alright But It's **'# 奇怪的是最后我只记住了默女Claire Du Brey,同样默女的Cristina Montt以及(总是有那么多的All Time Favourite)默男William Collier Jr.(而这并不是我的目的(** Bad:Mr.Sills And Mrs.Bennett))P.S. 没到历史遗留问题的遗留问题㉖解决…
chicoxxx 2020-07-23