Tony Slattery was one of the most gifted TV comedians of the late 80s and early 90s. One of the Cambridge Footlight set that included Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie and Emma Thompson, he became a household name on Whose Line is it Anyway? Then in 1996, amidst rumours of a massive breakdown, he seemed to vanish from our screens overnight. Now as he approaches 60, Tony has been touring...
薄荷灰 2022-08-24
内容就是Tony 去看bipolar 专家、成瘾专家和童年创伤专家。惊异于这么多年竟然没有一个确定的诊断。看到曾经活力四射、才华横溢、妙语连珠的Tony Slattery 现在苍老、疲惫、悲伤、羞愧、无助、迟钝,又可惜又难过。那一点幽默的火花隐隐约约还在,幽暗闪烁。