《哈萨克斯坦:一个国家的诞生》又名Kazakhstan: Birth of a Nation。
In 1998, seven years after the independence of the country, autocratic president Kazakh Noursoultan Nazarbaiev decides to move the capital of Almaty to Astana, the barren plains of the north. Vertiginous towers of glass rise above ground, financed by oil exports. A presidential speech in 1997 on the future of Kazakhstan opens the film, praising the “three social levels, the ric...
熊仔俠 2013-07-11
哈薩克斯坦的上中**社會在導演大無私樣的鏡頭下顯得分外真實而突兀。一個國家的誕生意味著什麽?那就是后蘇聯時代的新君主制和首都制式的權威寡頭資本階層。最後一段突入了哈國著名導演Darezhan Omirbayev的執拍現場。一切是如夢初醒,還是本該如斯呢?