In 2014, the movie « Mommy » directed by Xavier Dolan, got the Special Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival. This was a ***** achievement for this director prodigy from Quebec, who had just turned 25. The script - a tumultuous relationship between a single mother and his hyperactive and violent son - and the bold direction electrified the audience. Shot in Montreal, the docum...
hellst 2023-08-09
@vimeo 看完感觉我根本不(也不曾努力去)了解兰……我也只是一厢情愿地爱他啊……哭了。关于电影:Mommy是对父权下童年创伤的**,是魁北克女性解放运动的回响,让不被看见的郊外工人阶级社区单亲妈妈被看见(始终关注社会问题-结尾**以为对自己、对妈妈、对大家都是解脱,但这种想法其实是社会规训出来的);象征自由的车不仅仅是交通工具还是生活本身;和摄影师说自己要抓紧拍电影因为预感自己时日不多;六部电影的旅程:从理想的自己,到真实的自己。