悟空奉献为您提供坑 第三季,在线点播,迅雷下载。
《坑 第三季》又名The Pit。
Continuing the previous season. After shooting his father, Yamaç returns to get his revenge from the people who made him do this. While other family members mourn the death of their father in prison. Akin trying to prove himself worthy of running the Pit. Yamaç continues to punish his enemies, while cumali koçovali seeks a way to escape prison to avenge his father murder. Azer ...
上好佳 2020-03-07
因为Azer和Karaca的CP Cut而入坑(真入坑哈哈哈哈哈),结果完全沉迷其中,花了一个又一个2.5小时为这个伊斯坦布尔的“教父”家族故事神魂颠倒。理智评判,这剧的剧情也就值7分,偶尔有神来之笔,但大部分剧情都是意料之中的老梗烂梗。编剧最突出的成就就是塑造了一群非常有力度的女性角色,这一点即便在**剧里也实属难能可贵。然而,这部剧在土耳其能取得如此巨大成功,至少80%要归功于演员们极其完美的表现,是他们让老烂梗都变得好看。#AzKar这对罗密欧和朱丽叶必须HE!