When the spoiled 13 years old Nicole is expelled from school for the third time, her super rich daddy has her brought home in his private 727. However in a storm the airplane gets damaged and the pilots and personnel are are knocked out by loss of oxygen. So it's up to Nicole to fight for their lives. Her only **** is a young air traffic controller who talks to her by radio.
失去梦想的柴犬 2021-08-27
prime好奇搜了下Elisha Cuthbert看到的,这也太冷门了吧,豆瓣这个她连个name都没有。算是一部**危机片,不过当然是小成本啦。挺紧张**的,一步步试探营救再被迫更改,这种肯定是**结局倒是没有任何悬念,还是有点发冷,这种情况真的想想挺怵的。当然最主要的还是看女主Nicole(Elisha)了,她那会真的好少女,像high school girl一样(感觉是废话,人家那会好像就18,19岁),那么年轻漂亮(虽然更喜欢她mature那种)。其他人配角,也能有感觉那种为女孩担心的状态,mom pop都蛮好,pop表现更多点嗯。Jeff这个也精彩,很blad pitt
鼻哥 2012-03-31
哈哈以后看到的字幕有可能是我跟berber的杰作 算是看得我满开心的吧