Stanislaus Pilgrin, a Polish chess ****** and handsome gigolo, marries wealthy Jewish widow, Dr. Michele Wolf, an X-ray technician and has an affair with her step-daughter, Fabienne and then plots to murder them both in a scheme that will have him inherit their money.
YiQiao 2022-02-08
Petzold's latest film, Phoenix, is based on the French novel Return From the Ashes, which was made into a largely forgotten 1965 British policier starring Ingrid Thulin and Maximilian Schell. //TAYLOR, E .'Phoenix': An Unconventional Noir About Two Troubled Pasts[EB/OL]//原来《不死鸟》也是有前身的
Vivre Sa Vie 2023-01-10
spondee 2022-02-03
《情殺驚魂》。案情的反轉來自:蛇蠍女和渣男誰更惡毒? 導演J. Lee Thompson果然是拍懸疑驚悚片的能手,這部《Phoenix》的原版儼然就是黑色電影(小而黑,也夠色)。