Masterclass - David Lynch Teaches Creativity and Film在线观看

Masterclass - David Lynch Teaches Creativity and Film

  • 上映年代:2019  
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:美国
  • 主演: 大卫·林奇
  • 更新时间:

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An avant-garde figure in filmmaking, David Lynch introduced mainstream audiences to art-house films.  Now the Oscar-nominated director of Mulholland Drive teaches his cross-disciplinary creative process.  Learn how he catches ideas, translates them into a narrative, and moves beyond formulaic storytelling. Embrace the art life in David’s MasterClass and learn to **** the boundari...


野克 2022-07-31

大卫林奇的电影能get到的特别少 但是这个讲座系列很绝。还要不断学**卫林奇 一位拥有怪诞想象力的奇男子

张华弥 2022-05-06


冷酸酸 2020-12-29


snowwill 2022-05-28

Mostly I was like- this is talking to film people only. But!!! When he was talking about romanticising artists suffer for creativity is a myth and transcendence meditation for living- I was like huh! 如果一定要做个选择,always positivities incentivised creativities! 即使世上有很多因为悲伤而起的名作,但那不是我想要的living

📹 2020-07-16

idea idea idea. 抽烟的样子好迷人喔。

syl 2021-10-27

附上链接 https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1vf4y1g7Yb?p=21&spm_id_from=pageDriver News : New York Times Washington Post Bloomberg Vox.con Data: Fred OECD IMF

Nalət 2020-08-30

"the person catching the idea didn't make the idea" 大概creating只是对能量的channelling 人只是高维与我们这一单一世界之间的通道

BelleDeJour 2022-12-08

开倍速才是正常语速… 没讲什么干货/林奇和Angelo真是天作之合

攸行影书手账 2021-08-15

最后那段怎么让我感觉整个课程就是聚焦ideas 然后推荐你去找教授那个超然冥想课程的地方获得ideas😂 还算是有点收获吧 了解他当时突破技术局限把影片呈现出想要的效果 也会更加留意配乐 边说边弹奏音符那个画面有点美好 抑郁情绪 压力等负面的东西影响创意😂

***美 2021-09-09
