David Attenborough narrates the story of Rodrigo Medellin, Mexico's very own 'Bat Man'. Since he first kept vampire bats in his bathroom as a child, Rodrigo has dedicated his life to saving them. Now Mexico's most famous export, tequila, is at stake. Rodrigo's beloved lesser long-nosed bat is crucial to the liquor - pollenating the plants the drink is made from. To save both, R...
约瑟夫C 2020-02-01
祝慕斯 2022-03-06
【1080P】蝙蝠 【英语中字】_哔哩哔哩_bilibili https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1px411J7TM/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_****_video.0
Luminous 2021-10-24
伟大的人。胆子太大了,是我没有的。致敬。 看这种就得关弹幕。。实际上需要日常关弹幕,不然会被里面的某些言论污染到眼睛。