《没有桥梁的河流》又名Bridgeless Rivers、Reki bez mostove。
Two Roma teenagers, Tsvetan (18) and Nasko (13) are friends. They live in the poorest region of Europe. Two years ago Tsvetan and the Bulgarian girl Albena (16) stood on railway tracks in front of an on-coming train because their love was impossible. Albena died and presently, Tsvetan thanks God for the new lease of life he was given. Nasko is depressed because his mother has a...
胤祥 2021-09-29
#Rhodope International Film Festival Online# Festivalscope在线影展(****://rife.bg/)捡了部难得一见的保国纪录片,导演组合后来拍了大名鼎鼎的《荣耀蚀刻》等影片。保国边境小镇(基本是塞尔维亚、**尼亚和保加利亚交界处)吉普赛少年的游荡生活。