《娜嘉在巴黎》又名Nadja in Paris。
"Nadja a Paris," a short film from Eric Rohmer, tells the story of a Yugoslavian-born girl (who was adopted by an American family, who goes to study at the Cite Universitaire in Paris. The character development, considering the brevity of the film, is pretty good, but overall, the film doesn't pack much of a punch at all. Rohmer's other films tend to have an overlying meaning (...
slowhouse 2011-03-20
枪杀杰西詹姆斯 2017-06-02
赱馬觀♣ 2019-01-23
CH3N 2020-06-06
** 2012-10-13
mecca 2011-07-08
4+ 不自禁赞好。学生视角上下城游走,毫无拘束的自在盛开。陌生的城市里寻找自己,认识自己,when one shakes off past influences, and where one's true personality is formed. 步履轻盈,自述清心。
🤪 2021-01-11
到了最后一部分,字幕显示:巴黎的典型是—— **!字幕卡了,永远停留在这六个字。好比悬疑故事讲到最后该揭露谜底了侦探挂了。你说我生气不生气,生气!在大家干看着画面的忍耐中,我扭头对放映室呼喊一声:字幕卡了!对,影院听到的友邻,这声是我喊的。==! @2021-01-11 22:32:06
鴍諌🌈 2019-05-28
ibelieve 2020-10-09
「I don't tend to stay, of course. but I hope I never lose touch with Paris, ** stay here will leave its mark on me. that's not surprising, because this just might be the most important period in one's life. when one shakes off past influences, and one's true personality is formed.」
stknight 2011-07-04
A short film from Eric Rohmer,tells the story of a Yugoslavian-born girl who was adopted by an American family,goes to study in Paris。The character development,considering the brevity of the film, is pretty good,but overall,the film doesn't pack much of a punch at all。