Ništa ja tebi ne govorim, samo kažem在线观看

Ništa ja tebi ne govorim, samo kažem

  • 上映年代:2020  
  • 别名:I’m Not Telling You Anything, Just Sayin’
  • 类型:剧情 , 喜剧
  • 地区:法国 , 克罗地亚
  • 主演: Olivera Baljak Iva Simic Dean Krivacic
  • 更新时间:

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《Ništa ja tebi ne govorim, samo kažem》又名I’m Not Telling You Anything, Just Sayin’。

A thirty-year-old Zrinka arrives to her hometown of Rijeka for few days to do some location scouting for a film she is working on. She stays at her mother Tanja’s place. Zrinka gradually becomes aware of her mother’s strange behaviour. She takes her location scouting in order to spend time with her and find out what is troubling her. Tanja keeps quiet and seclusive until she ex...


胤祥 2021-08-27

#27th SFF# 短片-ZFF Best Of Checkers-萨格勒布电影节4部短片展映。“死很容易,活着才艰难”(这不《图雅的婚事》的金句么哈哈)“活着才能讲故事”。小镇母女关系,元电影(堪景-讨论剧情)形成了一种很有趣的话语与空间的关系。非常典型的后SHZY题材“工厂倒闭可比他**要严重多了”。结尾太棒了!