Most of the scenes are set in the corporate boardroom and surrounding offices of Ramsey & Co., a Manhattan industrial empire headed by the ruthless Walter Ramsey. He recruits youthful industrial engineer Fred Staples, grooming him to replace the aging Bill Briggs as the second in command at the company. Though Ramsey will not fire Briggs outright, he does everything in his powe...
stknight 2015-07-25
CC#495 《The Golden Age of Television 》**的8部电视剧合集之二。其实这个条目是电影版的,电视剧版的豆瓣未收录,就暂时拿这个代替下了。
***** 2019-03-22
五乔 2019-10-16
光看剧情满是无聊 不过看看美国对***的态度从40年代得鄙视**,到五十年代的这种为之辩护 还是蛮有趣的