Duane Hopkins’ long-anticipated follow up to his 2008 debut Better Things proves well worth the wait. This is British social melodrama made uniquely personal through the prism of Hopkins’ ravishing photographic eye (here collaborating with DoP David Proctor) – its fractured, poetic narrative the perfect form for the story it delivers. Told simply, Bypass documents the breaking ...
第71届威尼斯电影节:地平线单元奖 最佳影片(提名)。
** 2020-01-18
和《the unloved》一样,都反映英国问题家庭孩子的成长,很明显bypass更为激烈与灰暗,情节缓慢但情绪张力很强。至始至终都贯穿着犯罪情节与Tim对父母的回忆、与妹妹和女友的冲突与爱,承担太多本不是他这个年龄应当承受的重担,这不是普通少年的人生,是社会边缘的歧**春。
球球球球 2022-04-13
诺宝蒂 2014-10-12
So violent and intense I almost can't bear it
jacquewu 2018-12-14
虚拟世界, ** 惊悚, 游戏,暴力