The screenplay, written by Achim and Cosmin Manolache, follows Teo (Bogdan Dumitrache), a director who is immersed in rehearsals for his new feature centring on the personal turmoil he has suffered, caused by the death of his daughter. As the main story unfolds, strange and unsettling frame stories arise, which teeter between fiction and real life. The **** the performance trie...
胤祥 2021-11-29
#PÖFF 2021 Online# "有因的反叛“竞赛。都什么年代了还搞戏剧舞台和电影混合这一套……多身体人物又如何?化用多个大师文本又如何?完全空对空嘛。知道导演对自己的风格无比焦虑,以及不想照搬**尼亚新浪潮**,不过搞这么小圈子且拍得这么长是要给谁看……好好讲丧女之痛不就完了吗?