Fletcher's doing five years for breaking and entering. He's quick witted and never short of a trick or two to make his life that little bit easier. Lennie Godber's his cellmate who Fletch often teases but also protects in a father-like way. The other two main characters are prison officers; MacKay's a militarily strict type, keen to adhere to the rules, while Mr Barrowclough is...
asalways 2014-03-23
Los🌈 2022-02-10
还没看过2016年的新版,很喜欢73年的旧版(大概是自带滤镜),开头曲一出来就开始**循环,一本正经搞笑还是Old Brit厉害(不过存在有的梗有点老在听到罐头笑声以后还没反应过来,看了review以后才看懂)
英国队长 2021-03-15
HEtauma 2010-09-03
Warm, Super Witty topped with Excellent dialogues