Maitre d’ and Extraordinary Places to Eat host Fred Sirieix and GP Zoe Williams open a restaurant with a difference, welcoming 20 unsuspecting diners for a slap-up meal. It all sounds normal enough, but this restaurant has something unexpected back of house - a functioning gym, where a group of fitness fanatics are poised on exercise bikes, treadmills and rowing machines, ready...
夏日的小西瓜 2021-07-25
Holli'sin 2020-08-10
直观有趣,类似支付宝走 5000 步消耗几块小饼***第一次看到就了解减肥单靠运动真的杯水车薪。
**果冻 2024-07-13
开餐厅果然还是得去🇬🇧 这是一个非常好的环境做小本生意
瓦瓦 2021-09-14
Sports cannot reduce the calories of your over eating, the first thing of keep fit is eat less and healthier
小林竹道 2020-05-12
条目终于通过了,2020-05-10 看过
Moonice 2020-05-18
有个学者介绍应该政府管制食品广告那段makes you think。什么是真正的自由。看带锻炼版菜单前点**尼也是自由意志,看完改点冰淇淋也是自由意志。有趣。
mOco 2023-01-28
** 2022-02-08
喵师傅 2021-07-09
霖镜 2021-04-06
跑步,自行车,划船机. (锻炼的肌肉群不同)