John (35) is a bright Cambridge scientist, who always comes across as a pleasant fellow. When his fiancée leaves him, he withdraws from his world of academic isolation in order to try out some of his long-gestating theories on how to make the world a better place. On his journey through the English countryside, John is accompanied by his 14-year-old donor child - Ronja, whom he...
** 2022-03-29
John ,剑桥高材生怀才不遇,在三流研究所耗费十多年研究基因进化却毫无建树,被女友抛弃,被家人嫌弃,内心压抑扭曲,逐渐发展出一套自己的世界观:弱者,**人不配活着,不配消耗社会资源。他臆想自己是审判者,在现实中用**恐怖手段**他认为不配活着的人。借用卡伦霍尼的分析:理想化可以被称为一种虚构的、**的自我,并且因为自己达不到那种要求而烦躁不安,产生了一种被**的巨大恐惧。