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The Delian Mode

  • 上映年代:2009  
  • 别名:O tropos tis Delia
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 主演: Delia Derbyshire
  • 更新时间:

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《The Delian Mode》又名O tropos tis Delia。

A Genie Award winning documentary about electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire, primarily remembered for the original realization of Ron Grainer's theme for Doctor Who and her work with the *** Radiophonic Workshop.  The Delian Mode is a wonderful 25 minute documentary about British electronic music pioneer Delia Derbyshire by Canadian director Kara Blake. The film blends arc...


tlmgt 2018-03-19

Delia Derbyshire示范怎么制作音乐时一边打拍子,很可爱。25分钟就一集剧的时间,感觉太短了,想看到更多她的影像。不过60-70年代的幕后制作人员也难有更多影像吧。希望*** Radiophonic Workshop有一天也有人拍纪录片

Magus 2022-07-28

i would say , its almost Lynch alike.

何宇轩 2022-07-16

One of the greatest human being on this planet.

701-0825 2022-07-01

没人有义务推动你什么进程 热爱才是理由

blinksssss 2021-08-05

我大概可以理解她后期的困惑 她制作的声音 音乐 是从具象到抽象 而她之后的电子音乐 都是out of nowhere

Säger 2023-03-16

Absolutely lovely and still fresh and inspiring!!

momo 2023-12-15

天才总是领先**太多。“我在女权主义出现之前,就是个后女权主义者了。”听她说话总是会想起Phoebe Buffay。