A costume drama and satire about financial skull-duggery, and confidence tricksters in both the upper and lower classes in Victorian London. A working class man impersonates a Lord who is supposedly very rich, and a financial wizard. As such, he is invited to all the best peoples' parties. In fact, he is not, and his wealth and expertise are **** in the minds of his associates ...
** 2023-10-17
十九世纪下半期,英国金融事业发展迅速。1840到1860年,伦敦各银行的存款总额增加12倍。埃里克霍布斯鲍姆将1848到1875年间命名为“资本的**”。本片背景是1850年代的伦敦,Jacobi同时扮演了下层的Frederick和上层的Sir John,游走于贫民与富人之间。Sir John,本是剧院老板,Frederick是他的书记员,随着资本市场的繁荣,Frederick用Sir John的资金越做越大,而Sir John因为身体原因蜗居在剧场中,Frederick游刃有余地穿梭在伦敦的社交场,以富豪Sir John包装自己,**上层社会。片子以双重视角展现了****的繁荣但有着狄更斯笔下的阴暗伦敦世态,食不果腹的贫民与挥金如土的富人割裂为两个世界,这也为1859年的工人运动埋下了伏笔