The Story of Funk: One Nation under a Groove在线观看

The Story of Funk: One Nation under a Groove

  • 上映年代:2014  
  • 类型:音乐
  • 地区:英国
  • 更新时间:

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In the 1970s, America was one nation under a ****** as an irresistible new style of music took hold of the country - funk. The music burst out of the black community at a time of self-discovery, struggle and social change. Funk reflected all of that. It has produced some of the most famous, eccentric and best-loved acts in the world - James Brown, Sly & the Family Stone, George...


musecat 2017-12-28


tata 2020-03-13


Yves Jonn 2020-08-28


小号** 2021-01-05

funk之父居然就是james brown. 在八十年代迅速的被disco打败,disco融合了一些funk元素,不过节拍还是显得太单调了,丢失了syncopation的元素。当然,funk 与 disco很快达成了和解,于是 hip - hop 诞生了。

小爱 2018-09-08

G Funk祖师爷之一是Psychedelic Funk,再看看P-Funk这种神团,所有的**就都变得理所当然了。

吴嘎嘎 2023-01-22

R&B 、soul 的重拍在2,4;Funk 的出现是对Vanilla Pop的反叛,James Brown将每节的重拍放在第1拍,强调打击和变化,更多bass和drum元素的出现,节奏变化带来的律动感是black ppl 的纽带,大家一起say it loud , I’m black and I’m proud. #文化软实力

凉济 2019-12-16


-campfire 2022-04-07

"You know what Funk is? It's unapologetic BLACKNESS." 太swag了。

R.G.B 2019-11-24

脉络知识,描述了 Funk 浪潮下 mainstream、衍生、发展与没落

S.Mona 2020-09-30

1.https://***.bilibili****/video/av16262806/ 2.https://***.***********/watch?v=9rZagOjCnKQ