Monsieur Feydeau has writer's block, and he needs a new play. But he takes an opportunity to observe the upper class of 1900 Paris - Monsieur Boniface with a domineering wife, and the next-door neglectful husband Henri with a beautiful but ignored wife Marcelle. Henri traces architectural anomalies (most ***** sounds are drains), and plans a night at the Hotel Paradiso; but thi...
平原上的夏** 2022-05-22
俄语盖着英语我属实是没太听懂 不过Derek 在里面也太可爱了吧 还被人**了
Wendy 2024-02-11
笑晕了,整活闹剧还得是**人,结尾戏中戏,作家不怕被邻居们**吗*** **演得好浮夸,是有点子喜剧人天赋在身上的;居然还有YPM里的Bernard年轻时,好可爱啊——
鸽子L. 2024-10-31
gwjustine 2024-06-18
古典派喜剧…**饰**的妻管严😂 旅馆大混战不禁想起了ot的那部what‘s new pussycat