Ítél a Balaton在线观看

Ítél a Balaton

  • 上映年代:1933  
  • 别名:Judgment of Lake Balaton / Balaton Condemned / Das Wunder einer großen Liebe / Menschen im Sturm
  • 地区:奥地利 , 匈牙利
  • 更新时间:

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《Ítél a Balaton》又名Judgment of Lake Balaton、Balaton Condemned、Das Wunder einer großen Liebe、Menschen im Sturm。

The Award of the Lake Balaton in 1933, presented in a black-and-white Hungarian drama directed by Paul Fejős second film. Címváltozatok: Storm on the Lake Balaton, Lake Balaton, the Storm of Souls. The film is in English, French and German version is also ready, however, the Hungarian and the English version has not survived. The film is based on the history of reconstruction o...


老鼠爱打洞 2014-08-13
