悟空奉献为您提供Very Nice, Very Nice,在线点播,迅雷下载。
Very Nice, Very Nice is a 7 minute long avant-garde film made by Arthur Lipsett in 1961. It was completed with funding from the National Film Board of Canada. While working at the National Film Board, Lipsett collected pieces of audio and pieced them together as a hobby. When his friends heard the product of this they suggested that he add images to it. This film is the result....
河原宏 2013-07-27
库布里克最爱的67部电影之一 类似于《一部电影》这样的拼贴性实验短片 DL:****://kuai.xunlei****/d/9QXIBwLQCwBgpyxU2ee
几根佩毛 2016-06-14
【开脑洞/先锋实验/9.0】最喜欢的一部实验短片了。随机话语和随机摄影作品的堆积…剪辑中的音乐节奏大师。每一帧抽出来都完美。imdb看见一个打一分的长评说no commercial appeal whatsoever。So what?先锋实验并不需要你来掏腰包。你看你的商业片去
googoooomuck 2023-01-30
哈哈哈 这部剧说影响了库布里克,Arthur lipsett牛啊#collage film research
学习奴隶 2019-09-23
People who made no attempt to educate themselves live in a kind of dissolving phantasmagoria of a world that is they completely forget what happened last Tuesday hahaha
光 2013-11-27
图片展播 ****://***.***********/watch?v=mY7B2-Wqj6g
clckwrk 2013-11-23
Film Study Week 11. avant-garde film. 唯一一部我喜欢的实验性电影,由**照片和小短片拼接而成。旁白和画面总是唱反调,所以挺有趣。
可溶化的鱼 2023-09-15
***,***,种族主义……所有我们经历过的一切都离我们远去,**了一种表现。景观的泛滥在架空真实世界的同时也在普遍地根除历史知识。景观将“是永远照耀现代被动性**的不落的太阳,它覆盖世界的整个表面并永恒沐浴在自身的光辉之中”。历史不复存在,有的只是拟像。 人类除了在商品给予的习惯化表象中重复那句“very nice”,再无他为。
已注销 2011-11-30
"This is ** life and I love it!"
VicWallflower 2022-02-25
The epitome of cultural jamming that challenges the moonlight of pop culture and political phenomenon,sardonically beautiful.