Jeremy Paxman tells the tragic story of World War One poet Wilfred Owen. At a time of jingoism and wartime propaganda, one Shropshire lad was compelled to tell the truth. Jeremy Paxman travels to the battlefields of France to discover how the ugliest and most terrible arena imaginable gave birth to some of the most poignant and powerful poetry in the English language.
sarah🇺🇦 2014-05-31
”the human experience of war,the pity of war“ // 又是結束之前幾天
Jemima 2014-12-13
the human experience of the war, the pity of the war
潜入深水的鬼魂 2011-09-22
好吧*******是萬能的。。。戰爭造就了Wilfred Owen也毀滅了Wilfred Owen。最後他的確如他母親希望的那樣功成名就,人們傳誦著他的詩歌,讚美這他的名字,不過那已經太遲。在停戰日教堂的鐘聲中,他的母親得到了他陣亡的消息。
庐南. 2020-02-07
** subject is war the pity of war
扶栏者Y 2011-05-10
三苗的声音真好听呀~ *得一手好湿~ 25岁英年早逝的小胡子诗人,想起了前几天去世的一战最后一位老兵。
James忘了昨天 2021-06-02
strange meeting很像frantz里的场景