In this raw, provocative documentary from independent filmmaker James Spione, one of the most notorious incidents of the Iraq War--the July 2007 slayings of two Reuters journalists and a number of other unarmed civilians by U.S. attack helicopters--is recounted in the powerful testimony of an American infantryman whose life was profoundly changed by his experiences on the scene...
The_Carrot 2012-02-16
V_Lachesis 2012-02-21
Treat the audiences as shrinks.
让鱼冷静一下 2016-03-16
In this raw, provocative documentary from independent filmmaker James Spione, one of the most notorious incidents of the Iraq War--the July 2007 slayings of two Reuters journalists and a number of other unarmed civilians by U.S.
你说,你先说、 2016-03-16
In this raw, provocative documentary from independent filmmaker James Spione, one of the most notorious incidents