Magnum is called by a woman when he goes to meet her, he discovers she's missing, ***.yakubd**** so he tries to find her. Higgins is enjoying her time in Kenya but when the doctors' medical supplies are stolen she tries to get it back. But her old employers inform her that the people who stole them are very dangerous. And they tell her to leave Kenya. Magnum discovers some people who were killed and the woman he seeks was there. They learn that 2 shooters are responsible and Magnum's ****** is the target. When Suzy gets an opportunity that has her leaving, Rick admits his feelings.
wiskyoung 2022-07-06
看到后面真就是看个热闹了,主线发展很平稳,每个人该成家成家该立业立业,男女主有**终成眷属。 破案方面其实本来就没有什么太多亮点,只是大家一起搞搞事情插科打诨热热闹闹很温暖而已。 本来以为被砍了有点难过,但听说又续了两季20集那可真是太好了。
杜老君 2023-08-25
这破剧都能续到第五季平稳落地,咋剧版lethal weapon就那么寄了……
shadow的梦魇 2021-10-10
一片空白 2023-05-02
简单拌着简单J 2022-04-27
找了好久 全网都没有找到第三季 只好先看第4季了 就是男主突然多出来一个亚裔警察女朋友 还是某黑帮**的女儿 看***就知道这一段感情肯定还是不成 毕竟要给女主让路 最后果然还是好聚好散了 然而直到最后一集 还是双方心照不宣 啥也没发生 剧情还是有好笑又精彩 比如男主被黑帮**啦 女主陷入**陷阱 kumu 保护夏威夷的传统神坛 和城建对抗 整体情节虽然有些个人英雄主义 但看着还是挺爽的
漂浮的小黄鸭 2022-05-31
笑笑 2023-10-18
克劳德之夏 2021-11-15
stillwater 2023-10-06
Magnum is called by a woman when he goes to meet her, he discovers she's missing, ***.yakubd**** so he tries to find her. Higgins is enjoying her time in Kenya but when the doctors' medical supplies are stolen she tries to get it back. But her old employers inform her that the people who stole them are very dangerous. And they tell her to leave Kenya. Magnum discovers some people who were killed and the woman he seeks was there. They learn that 2 shooters are responsible and Magnum's ****** is the target. When Suzy gets an opportunity that has her leaving, Rick admits his feelings.
周立终于没有波 2022-05-23