Ella Cinders is a slave in the household with her stepmother and two stepsisters. The one joy in her life is her iceman boyfriend, Waite Lifter. She reads in a movie magazine of a beauty contest with the winner being awarded a Hollywood contract. Despite the fact that the picture the photographer submitted of her was snapped when a fly had landed on her nose and she was looking...
邮差总按两次铃 2019-12-21
女主角的两个眼睛可以自各转动,仿佛是不**的眼睛。这是透过遮摄镜头(matte shot)这种手法,分别对女主角的左右脸拍摄的。基本上,就是用一块涂黑的玻璃板置于镜头前方,分别拍摄左右脸的画面,然后再将两个画面“缝”起来。其关键是在拍摄时,女主角与摄影机的位置都不能移动,否则会前功尽弃。
在路上 2016-03-23
西瓜露子 2024-10-07
脑洞大开。这是史上第一位自我救赎的灰姑娘💪 她可以自力更生 也可以选择嫁人 nice ***👏
巽凌 2013-12-07
终于是看到了…Cast:Colleen Moore