John Goodman 扮的 Rex Tillerson 实在是好像... Hillary Actually 那个短片好正,尽管希婆还是回天无力...
🍄 2022-07-08
[routine aches] dzyn you brought me here n made ** life much difficult. he has his own fair share of secrets, lives and im not responsible for any of em. it not even ** place to interfere. u are so not interesting, ill repeat it again n again, fvcking boring to hell n selfish, just venting n care only urself,
Momo June 2017-01-07
这一期还蛮有趣的 啊Casey小可爱
日落可以慢半拍 2016-12-21
kate模仿love actually的那个skit啊啊啊好喜欢 Fred回来客串好喜欢 wu经典的whisper哈哈哈哈 想看Manchester by the sea
Evelyn桃桃 2018-05-24
双层芝士 2016-12-21
John Goodman 扮的 Rex Tillerson 实在是好像... Hillary Actually 那个短片好正,尽管希婆还是回天无力...
🍄 2022-07-08
[routine aches] dzyn you brought me here n made ** life much difficult. he has his own fair share of secrets, lives and im not responsible for any of em. it not even ** place to interfere. u are so not interesting, ill repeat it again n again, fvcking boring to hell n selfish, just venting n care only urself,
Momo June 2017-01-07
这一期还蛮有趣的 啊Casey小可爱
日落可以慢半拍 2016-12-21
kate模仿love actually的那个skit啊啊啊好喜欢 Fred回来客串好喜欢 wu经典的whisper哈哈哈哈 想看Manchester by the sea
余弦不闲 2023-04-02
哈哈哈 看卡西这么一个丧到骨子里的男人演搞笑甜男还挺开心的 虽然他演苦情戏演技更好 但作为卡西影迷还是更喜欢这种反差的喜感哈哈哈
YuRAY 2016-12-19
Jingle Barack +++. The things I would do to Chance. (◉3◉)
RealityBites 2016-12-23
本季目前最佳!段子都很喜欢。川普简直为SNL提供了源源不断的素材,黑到飞起。Kate演希拉里还来了段**love actually的短片,赞。 John Goodman老爷子也来客串,感觉廋好多哦。为什么我连Casey的破锣嗓都这么喜欢,港真这么***一张脸这个大胡子造型到底要留到什么时候啊摔!
我 2017-10-18
哈哈哈那个boston dunkin donuts的段子...
扶栏者Y 2016-12-23