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Nothing's as lighthearted as it seems. usually they're bittersweet
the **** i know about it, the **** i love it
发现******的anchors普遍长得好看 jane curtin基本可以算snl best looking female cast了 然后还有charles rocket,dennis miller,norm,colin quinn(他那时候很像christian bale)
做节目真不容易 做直播节目更不容易..
bayer04 2009-02-27
Nothing's as lighthearted as it seems. usually they're bittersweet
电线杆的草稿 2012-03-28
the **** i know about it, the **** i love it
cody 2010-03-31
发现******的anchors普遍长得好看 jane curtin基本可以算snl best looking female cast了 然后还有charles rocket,dennis miller,norm,colin quinn(他那时候很像christian bale)
Laura13 2012-07-10
做节目真不容易 做直播节目更不容易..