Wasn't that raccoon some ******** Halloween material! Ewww, the "Battle ****"! The elephant man! And NPH going badass! Harold and Kumar's trip to White Castle is nothing short of wild adventures and inappropriate jokes! Kickass comedy!
七月狄奥尼索斯 2006-03-05
Funny & somewhat instructive
Q·ian·Sivan 2014-05-16
「Just 'cause you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you gotta do ****.」【Ryan Reynolds — Male Nurse (uncredited)】
沈涵 2010-10-31
我今天终于吃了一会white castle ** 不好吃啊
XDash 2010-10-23
** 2009-04-02
i like john cho,还有最后电梯的那场表白。
Lycidas 2014-11-04
半个桃李林檎 2011-10-30
Wasn't that raccoon some ******** Halloween material! Ewww, the "Battle ****"! The elephant man! And NPH going badass! Harold and Kumar's trip to White Castle is nothing short of wild adventures and inappropriate jokes! Kickass comedy!
七月狄奥尼索斯 2006-03-05
Funny & somewhat instructive
Q·ian·Sivan 2014-05-16
「Just 'cause you're hung like a moose doesn't mean you gotta do ****.」【Ryan Reynolds — Male Nurse (uncredited)】
没头脑又不高兴 2008-08-18
里面的 fucking ** wife 太经典了
那怎么了少年 2008-11-13
简直是无比乐啊!**尿尿那段的对话简直绝了~外国人的语言就是平常中带着无限的幽默~脖子留脓的怪人家庭简直太搞了~无数无数搞!赶紧的快去看吧! PS:卡玛很帅啊~~~~ 再PS:那些在国外受欺辱的华人、黑人、等等人~~~可不能忍气吞声啊!
Arch-Murder 2010-07-22
It might be the stupidest movie I've ever seen.